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Sunday 10 July 2011

Who Are The True Ullema?

Who Are The True Ullema
By MuslimBrother1 and RamadanTips.

Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
                                                                                       Sunday 10 July 2011 | 9 Sha'baan 1432 AH  ,

Now days anybody can be a scholar, Shaykh , Mufti , Mawlana and Molvi. I will give you an example.  From My experiances on youtube , People on the comments section of Islamic videos decide to give out their self acclaimed fatawa's and Rulings.  Shaykh Copy and Paste scholars do not even know what they are even passing out. Yet the Muslim Ummah who are seeing these comments then decide to take these rulings to their own aqeedah.
 Eveni the real world we see these self proclaimed scholars. Most of these 'Ullama' do not even have beards and they make the excuse that it is not fard. On the day of judgement  Prophet Muhammad salallahualay he wasallam  will help his Ummah cross the bridge to Jannah the first people he will help will be the ones with the beard.  Fake Ullema are now extremely widesread and are dangerouring the ummah.
The Real question is. Who are the Real Ullema?

 The Real Ullema are those who hold their teeth tightly to the sunnah.
They are those who change the lives of the low eemaned people.
They are those who are modest and do not call them selved with the names of shaykh , shaykh ul islam, instead they just like to see themselved as everybody else , searching for knowledge.
They are those who are not afraid to talk about the main problems.
They are those who even after they die there words in kitaabs and lectures will still benifit.

Jazakallah Khair,

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